Hello! I'm JB, AI Scientist @Covera Health. You can download my resume and find my contact information below!
I’m a Senior AI Scientist at Covera Health, where I work with a cross-functional team to apply Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to the field of radiology. I’m passionate about how we can train deep learning models to understand the complexities of language.
Previously, I was a Senior Research Scientist in Deep Learning and NLP at Enlitic from 2019 to 2021. A description of my different contributions can be found on my resume.
In 2019, I received an M.S. in Language Technologies at the Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. Advised by Alex Hauptmann, my research focused on the application of DL NLP in the extraction of useful tweets during public safety events.
Prior to my time at CMU, I obtained a “diplôme d’ingénieur” at the Ecole Polytechnique (X) in Palaiseau, France. This diploma combined a B.S-equivalent undergraduate degree with a Masters in Data Science. While at Ecole Polytechnique, I worked with the teams at SRI International in Menlo Park and Pzartech, an Israeli start-up based in Tel-Aviv.
When I’m not working, I like to learn languages, play tennis, music, chess, travel, bake, and wait for the ski season to start!
Automated Deep Learning Pipeline for Pathology Characterization in MRI MSK Reports
J. Lamare, I. Daga, K. Kannan, D. Torres, J. Pawar, M. Becker, R. Herzog, R. Vianu, A. Das, B. Odry
RSNA 2022 - Scientific presentations
Automated Structure Detection for Radiology Report Analysis
M. Sandora, J. Lamare, A. Sehanobish, I. Daga, K. Kannan, N. Abraham, M. Becker, R. Herzog, R. Vianu, A. Das, B. Odry
RSNA 2022 - Scientific presentations
On the diminishing return of labeling clinical reports
J. Lamare, T. Olatunji, L. Yao
EMNLP 2020 - Clinical NLP workshop
Accident forecasting in CCTV traffic camera videos
A. Shah, J. Lamare, T. Anh, A. Hauptmann
AVSS 2018 - T4S workshop
Multimodal filtering of social media for temporal monitoring and event analysis
P. Huang, J. Liang, J. Lamare, A. Hauptman
ICMR 2018
Useful Public Safety Tweet Extractor - CMU 2017-19
Art and Machine Learning projects - CMU 2019
Embodied Question Answering (EQA) - CMU 2018
A Neural Music Critic - CMU 2018 [Code]
Turning Day into Night - CMU 2018 [Code]
Fact-Checking application with IBM - X 2017
Mine-hunting drone - X 2016